We all talk. We all communicate. But do we really connect?
Those who achieve this take their work, their relationships and their lives to another level.
I remember watching the brilliant actor John Travolta on stage at The Oscars in 2015 where he was supposed to introduce Idina Menzel (Singer of Let it Go from Frozen).
But with over 40 million people watching around the globe, he couldn’t remember Idina’s name. He stumbled through blurting out ‘Adele Dazeem’ and the whole world saw it live.
If the legendary John Travolta can fail spectacularly in front of an audience then surely that gives us all hope. It’s a reminder of the pressure we all feel about public speaking.
Believe in yourself
Despite working in front of the camera for over 15 years, I have suffered a couple epic fails myself.
At an awards ceremony, I announced the wrong team (there were only two teams in the competition), and a few years ago I forgot the name of the next presenter at a global conference and had to be reminded by the presenter himself.
As humiliating as those experiences were, they taught me a valuable lesson. Getting better never stops. Learning to speak in front of an audience is a skill, and quite often one that is not taken seriously or really exploited to its fullest capacity.
Your biggest disability is a a bad mindset. If you dedicate yourself to improving by 1% each day and practice regularly, think how much better your performance will be after one month?
Enjoy my website; it really will help you as there’s a variety of handy videos with useful tips. And do get in touch as I offer a range of workshops, one on one sessions and online courses so you can avoid the pitfulls of announcing the wrong team or forgetting the key note speaker’s name!